Blair Hawkins' Work Journal

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Fri 2-12-2016. Thornton A008. Punch half dozen holes in drywall where joint compound is trace asbestos. Leave Negative Air Machine #2 here.

Assemble 8-foot bench.

Load van with supply delivery.

Thu 2-11-2016. Thornton A008. Cut out a window in dry wall where joint compound is trace asbestos (1% or less).

Assemble three 6-ft benches and one 8-ft bench

Sergeant Carter bully situation in the workplace. Apparently I'm Gomer Pyle. Everyone sees what's going on but can't take sides. When reported, the bullying usually intensifies. So I'm looking for a solution that doesn't involve management, whose job is to enforce Respect Policies. Full discussion here.

Wed 2-10-2016. Hotel A of Lawn West Range not far from Poe's room. 3 glovebags asbestos pipe insulation.

Mon/Tue 2-8/9-2016. Out sick.

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